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Featured Property
650 Latigo Canyon Road

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Malibu City Election - City Council

As a Malibu Realtor, I speak with hundreds of Malibu citizens over the course of a year. In Malibu election seasons such as now, the talk is often of the local campaign. I am frequently asked which candidates I view favorably in the city council election.
In that vein, I write to you. Malibu will be electing two new city council members on April 13.
This year, I wholeheartedly endorse Laura Rosenthal. And I would recommend Lou Lamonte for your second vote.
It should be an exciting campaign with 10 individuals running this year! I believe Laura Rosenthal and Lou Lamonte represent our best choices: first, to bring reason and fairness to property rights matters that I care so much about; but also to the many other needs of the community and individuals within.
The “other camp” is expected to spend a lot of money and run a tough, perhaps bitter campaign. Watch closely the characters of ALL participants in this April 13th election. I hope you and the plurality of our voting neighbors cast your ballot with the desire for balanced thought and harmonious conduct in our local government.
Laura Rosenthal and Lou Lamonte are the best candidates to achieve such results, and best represent Malibu. You can find out more about each candidate or find out how you can help, by visiting their websites www.rosenthal4malibu.com or www.lamontemalibu2010.com.
Rick Wallace